10/2 Walk to School Day
10/7-11 MINIMUM DAY - Parent/Teacher Conferences
Book Fair
10/9 Outdoor Ed Parent Meeting
10/15 Fall Pictures - Retake
10/17 Fun Run Kick-Off
10/18 Student of the Month @ 8:15 AM
10/22 H&SL Meeting @ 8:15 AM
10/25 Fun Run
10/28 - 31 Red Ribbon Week
10/29 2nd Grade STEM Day
10/30 Trunk or Treat @ 5 PM
10/31 Fall Class Parties
11/1 Imagination Machine Assembly
11/5 NO SCHOOL - Staff Development Day
11/8 4th Grade Field Trip
11/15 MINIMUM DAY - End of Trimester
H&SL Meeting @ 8:15 am
11/22 Student of the Month @ 8:15 am
11/25 - 29 NO SCHOOL - Thanksgiving Break
More to come...
Interested in joining the H&SL Board?
Contact: Wendy Zuazo at president.vpehsl@gmail.com
Villa Park Elementary l 10551 Center Drive, Villa Park, CA 92861 l 714-997-6281